1 |
Medical: Health Care, Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, Sports / Fitness / Recreation, Other, ...
2 |
3 |
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, Sports / Fitness / Recreation, Religion, Other, ...
4 |
Law (general), Safety, Law: Contract(s), Medical: Instruments, ...
5 |
Other, Safety, Advertising / Public Relations, Computers (general), ...
6 |
7 |
8 |
Sports / Fitness / Recreation, Religion, Psychology, Human Resources, ...
9 |
10 |
Medical (general), Cooking / Culinary, Finance (general), Medical: Dentistry, ...
11 |
Ana Isabel Matesanz GarciaNative in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain, US, Guatemalan, Panamanian, Peruvian, Colombian, Ecuadorian , Dominican, Canarian, Mexican, Chilean, Venezuelan, Cuban, Bolivian) 
Management, Environment & Ecology, Energy / Power Generation, Botany, ...
12 |
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
13 |
Zoology, Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Science (general), Philosophy, ...
14 |
criscrtNative in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain)  , French (Variant: Standard-France) 
Computers: Hardware, Computers: Software, Computers: Systems, Networks, Computers (general), ...
15 |
Angelino SantanaNative in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain, Cuban, Argentine, Venezuelan, Mexican, Colombian) 
Journalism, Telecom(munications), Construction / Civil Engineering, Computers (general), ...
16 |
Victoria CurielNative in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain, Mexican) 
17 |
Law (general), Nutrition, Medical (general), Poetry & Literature, ...
18 |
SUMANTA BISWAS .Native in English (Variant: British)  , Spanish (Variants: US, Standard-Spain) 
please, peruse & presume the ipso - facto phenomenae, en - sequi . . . . .
Auto - da - fé, most gently, I incline to affirm, such as a skillful, who are verily & passionately intended to get & grasp the vide external also, indigenous languages, so far, , ...
19 |
dudettejiNative in English Middle (ca.1100-1500)  , Spanish 
20 |
Law (general), Law: Contract(s)